
作者: 时间:2017-09-19 点击数:



姓名:陈志景;         性别:男;

学历:博士研究生;     职称:副教授

出生年月:19834  电子邮箱:chzhijing@mail2.sysu.edu.cn



2002-2006 华南师范大学数学科学学院,本科

2008-20011 华南师范大学数学科学学院,运筹学与控制论专业,硕士

2011-2014  中山大学数学学院,运筹学与控制论专业,博士



20147月—20167  南京大学数学系   博士后

20168月—20188         中山大学数学学院  特聘副研究员

20189月至今  广东技术师范大学好闺蜜1之妻子的强迫症



讲授的本科课程: 《高等数学》、《数学分析》; 研究生课程:《拓扑学》、《遍历理论》



主攻拓扑动力系统与遍历理论。近期学习控制不变熵理论和amenable群理论。发表学术论文 11 篇,具体如下:

1. Zhijing Chen, Jian Li and Jie Lv, Point transitivity, multi-transitivity and multi-minimality, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 35 (2015), 1423-1442. (SCI)

2. Zhijing Chen, Jian Li and Jie Lv,  On multi-transitivity with respect to a vectorSci China Math, 2014, 57: 16391648.(SCI)

3. Huoyun WangZhjing Chen (Corresponding author)H. Fu, M-systems and scattering systems of  semigroup actions, Semigroup Forum, 91 (2015), 699-717. (SCI)

4. Zhijing Chen and Yu Huang, Auslander-Yorke dichotomy theorem for indecomposable systems (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math,

2016, 46: 1715{1726, doi: 10.1360/012015-33

5. Zhijing Chen and Yu Huang, Functional envelopes relative to the point-open topology on a subset,Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems, 37 (2017), 1227-1246. (SCI)

6.Zhijing Chen and Xiongping Dai, Chaotic dynamics of minimal center of attraction of discrete amenable group actions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 (2017), 1397-1414. (SCI)

7. Zhijing Chen, Tingwen Huang, Yu Huang, and Xin Liu,Chaotic behaviors of one dimensional wave equations with van der Pol nonlinear boundary conditions,Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59 (2018), 022704. (SCI)

8.T. Wang, Y. Huang, and Z. Chen. Dichotomy theorem for control sets. Systems & Control Letters, 129 (2019), 10-16.SCI

9. Zhijing Chen and  Xin Liu, The Convergence of Borel Probability Measures and Its Applications to Topological Dynamics, 2019, publish online.(SCI)

10. Xingfu Zhong and Zhijing Chen (Corresponding author)A variational principle for Bowen estimation entropy, Sci Sin Math, (2020). (accept)

11. Zhijing Chen, Yu Huang and Xin liu, Recurrence and the minimal center of attraction with respect to a Folner sequence, Topol. Appl. (2020). (accept). doi: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.topol.2020.107156.







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